We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and wanted to let you know that Clause 1 is set up to continue working throughout the months ahead. Our team utilises industry-leading cloud services, with local (physical media) back up facilities. This allows all our staff to work completely remotely (if required) with secure access to all our electronic files, project management and accounting software. We feel comfortable that this business model will hold us in good stead, if further social isolation restrictions are put in place. We also have multiple online-meeting options available to overcome the need for face-to-face meetings. We have now closed our office to the public, but will continue working to deliver your projects as soon as possible.
In addition, VCAT has announced that all cases listed up to 15 May 2020 have been postponed, to dates yet to be determined. It’s our understanding that the Tribunal is working to have all future hearings either determined ‘on the papers’ (without a hearing) or run via video-conferencing. We have a number of clients effected by VCAT’s temporary closure and have been in touch with each of them.
We encourage you to call and discuss any concerns or queries you may have and look forward to a time when the threat of COVID-19 has passed and we can return to normal.
Please stay safe, be kind and take the time to find something that makes you and your loved ones laugh.