One Planner's Archive

Discussion Papers & Articles

Victoria's New Residential Zones
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Calculating Council's 60 Day Timeframe
Applying for Costs at VCAT
Amending a Planning Permit

Red dot decision – Objectors Locked Out Again

The decision of Koneska v Greater Geelong CC (Red Dot) [2023] VCAT 359 concerned the standing of objectors who had appealed Council’s decision to grant a permit for a telecommunications facility. The appeal was made pursuant to Section 82(1) of the Planning and Environment Act 2023 (the Act) which enables […]

Objectors’ (lack of) Appeal Rights

In Myers v Southern Grampians SC (Red Dot) [2022] VCAT 695 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) considered the jurisdiction of the Tribunal in an application under Section 82(1) of the Planning and Environment Act (“the Act”). Section 82(1) relates to an objector making an appeal to the Tribunal to review a decision to grant a planning permit.

Notice of Objector Appeals

Regular planning permit applicants will be aware that when objections are received in response to a permit application, and Council supports the proposal, a Notice of Decision (NOD) to grant a permit will first be issued by Council. The purpose of the NOD is to allow objectors 21 days to […]

Pre VCAT Mediation Goes Sour

We at Clause: 1 were interested to read the recent decision of Burnet v Yarra CC [2013] VCAT 1753. This case was an objector’s appeal against a mutli-storey mixed use development. Prior to lodging the appeal with VCAT the objector contacted the permit applicant by email (following the issue of a Notice of Decision in favour of the proposal and suggested that if the permit applicant paid for a development on her property she would not lodge an Application for Review against his NOD at VCAT.