Contaminated Land Mapping

DELWP has created an interactive online mapping tool named Victoria Unearthed, which provides site specific information about land, groundwater, historical business listings and potential contamination. Victoria Unearthed includes information on EPA Licenced sites, EPA Audits, Groundwater Restricted Use, the Victorian Landfill Register, Historical Business Listings and Environmental Audit Overlays.

Part of the back-end of this new tool includes the historic Sands & McDougall directories,  from as far back as the 1800s, which have been digitised by the State Library of Victoria. So take a look, but be warned – you can waste a number of hours looking up your old home or neighbourhood and marvelling at what sites used to house a cooper, coal merchant, jean merchant, milliner, tailosite informationr or boot repairer way-back-when.

For those looking to use it for more professional purposes, more information and user’s guides can be found at:

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