Victoria’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has created a new online resource library. The DELWP website notes:
You can now search for current and archived planning documents. With the new tool anybody can search for and find a wide range of planning publications and resources published by the Planning Group within DELWP. With future enhancements already planned, the resource library will prove to be a valuable tool for the planning community.
At the time of writing there were 153 resources available including (but not limited to):
- Templates for planning-related agreements;
- Planning permit activity reports – monthly, quarterly and annually;
- Standard forms for local government and other authority procedures;
- Planning issues, papers and land use studies;
- Research results;
- Applicant guides to VicSmart;
- Fact sheets, technical guides and practice notes for planning;
- Policies and guidelines including State-level strategic planning documents;
- Consultation documents on State-level planning matters;
- Population bulletins;
- Localised planning statements and regional growth statements;
- Green wedge management plans.
The library provides a useful “go-to” resource for practitioners, particularly in preparing reports associated with planning permit applications where state or local policy refers to or incorporates the types of documents included in the list above.
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