Forming Meaningful Attachments

The increasing complexity of information requirements for planning permit applications makes for some lengthy uploading times when lodging applications or responding to requests for further information. Long gone are the days of just an application form, fee and plans. In a recent Clause 1 application for a dual-occupancy proposal within the Neighbourhood Residential Zone we included 11 attachments to the main written planning report.

Regular planning permit applicants  associated with infill developments, will be familiar with the need to include, traffic assessments, sweep paths, landscape plans, arboricultural assessments, shadow impact assessments on neighbouring roof-top solar panels, approved CHMPs, ESD/WSUD and BESS reports, bushfire risk assessments, legal opinions on covenants, land capability assessments, acoustic reports and other information with their applications.

We understand that the wide range of information that accompanies applications provides for a holistic decision-making process. However, as more and more information requirements are added to the process, we can’t help but ask is it worth separating the ‘holistic’ decision making process from one that can quickly provide a preliminary approval for a proposed building envelope. Such a process would give the permit applicant some comfort that the expense and cost of providing all the ‘other’ information is not in vain.

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Clause1 Pty Ltd
Phone: 03 9370 9599