Industry Separation Distances and Landfill Buffers Consultation

Two draft sets of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines were recently available for public consultation, closing 17 February 2023. The draft guidelines are Separation Distance Guideline and Landfill Buffer Guideline.

It is intended that the guidelines, once finalised, will be referenced in the Victorian Planning Provisions and therefore apply to relevant planning applications. The guidelines will apply to future proposals for sensitive uses or development (such as houses, schools, childcare centres, medical centres or residential aged care facilities) which are on land within a separation distance or landfill buffer. The guidelines will also be used for proposals to establish or expand industry or landfill operations.

The draft Separation Distance guideline focuses on odour emissions and dust emissions.

The draft Landfill Buffer Guideline sets out:

  • human health and amenity risks posed by landfills
  • separation distances for landfills
  • appropriate land uses within landfill buffers.

Copies of the draft guidelines can be viewed at:

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