New Residential Zones Update

In the August 2012 issue of BDAV magazine we reported on the proposed Residential zone changes put forward by the Department of Planning and Community Development.

In 2012 public comment was invited on three new residential zones:

    • The Residential Growth Zone
    • The General Residential Zone
    • The Neighbourhood Residential Zone

Changes were also proposed to the existing Mixed Use Zone, Township Zone and Low Density Residential Zone, to align them with the features of the new residential zones.

A Reformed Zones Ministerial Advisory Committee was set up to consider submissions made to the proposed changes (a total off 917 submissions made regarding residential zones) and provide recommendations back to the Government. The Government’s response to the recommendations of the Committee include:

    • setting a mandatory building height of 8 metres in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone;
    • improved purpose statements for the zones;
    • testing draft criteria to guide the application of the new zones;
    • That Clause 55 (ResCode) will now apply to building up to four storeys high (previously 3);
    • restricting non-residential uses in the Neighbourhood Residential Zone and the General Residential Zone;
    • allowing small-scale complementary commercial uses in the Residential Growth Zone.

The reformed zones will be introduced into the Victorian Planning Provisions on 1 July 2013 and Councils will have 12 months to introduce the new zones. It is expected that transitional provisions will be inserted into Planning Schemes for current planning permit applications not decided upon, or current permits not acted upon at 1 July 2013, to allow those to progress.

Councils will need to review their existing zones and decide how to apply the new or changed zones. This will likely involve community consultation and should tie in with work Councils have already done in developing policy to designate areas for minimal change, housing diversity areas and areas for housing growth. Where strategic work hasn’t been undertaken to apply the new zones, the General Residential Zone will be applied as the default residential zone.

A full description of the changes can be found at