The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) is currently reviewing fees for a number of services provided by local councils and the Minister, related to planning and subdivision.
DELWP has prepared a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS). Public comment on the new fees closed on 24 June 2016. The RIS explains:
The proposed fees aim to allow local councils to provide planning services on a sustainable basis, removing pressure on councils to cross-subsidise or reduce service levels. A key benefit of the fee increases is to improve the efficiency of the fee system, by better recovering the costs of providing services from those that benefit from the service. The new fees therefore better support the operation of the planning framework.
The proposed new fees are aimed at recovering a greater percentage of costs from those making applications.
In the newly proposed Regulations, fees will be expressed in fee units. The number of fee units applicable to any application will depend on the type of application and its estimated value of works (where applicable). The units will be indexed annually in line with the rate determined by the Treasurer (2.5 per cent for the coming financial year).
Generally fees are being increased. The changes will apply from the time the new Regulations commence, which is expected to be October 2016.
For the types of applications which BDAV members are most familiar the following changes are proposed:
Single dwelling applications
Current Fee: $0 to $490 (depending on value of works)
Proposed fee amount: $188 to $54,282 (depending on value of works)
Development (including multiple dwellings)
Current Fee: $102 to $16,130 (depending on value of works)
Proposed fee amount: $1,080 to $54,282 (depending on value of works)
Amend an existing planning permit
Current Fee: $102 to $815 (depending on type of permit and value)
Proposed fee amount: 75% of fee applicable to the original permit class plus the difference in fees if the amendment moves the permit into a different class.
Other fees relating to such matters as land use, subdivision, amendments to planning schemes, certificates of compliance and matters requiring approval to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority are also being amended.
A copy of the RIS (including the proposed fees at Appendix A of the RIS) can be found at
Practitioners wishing to avoid the fee hikes should aim to lodge their applications prior to the expected October introduction date.
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