One Planner's Archive

Discussion Papers & Articles

Victoria's New Residential Zones
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Calculating Council's 60 Day Timeframe
Applying for Costs at VCAT
Amending a Planning Permit

Councils Fight Back on VCAT Fees

Regular readers and applicants will be aware of Section 115CA of the VCAT Act, introduced in 2014. Section 115CA provides that the VCAT application fee for a permit applicant’s appeal against ‘failure-to-determine’ (within the 60 day statutory timeframe) is required to be reimbursed by Counci

VCAT Fee Increases from 1 June 2013

By now you may be aware (or soon will be) of the fee increases now in place when making a application for the review of planning permit applications to VCAT under the provisions of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (P&E Act).