One Planner's Archive

Discussion Papers & Articles

Victoria's New Residential Zones
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Calculating Council's 60 Day Timeframe
Applying for Costs at VCAT
Amending a Planning Permit

Planning Decision Flip, Flop, Flip, Flop… FLOP!

Only for the brave: Council refuses to support a planning permit application, then amends its position to support the application, then seeks to argue for the application to be refused, is then forced to support the application – but in the end the permit is refused and the permit applicant left to ponder how this ‘whole-planning-thing’ works.

Vic Smart – Small & Fast

Along with the recent changes to the planning zones, the State Government is also introducing further changes to the planning permit process in order to fast track simple and low impact planning permit applications through the statutory planning process.

Asking too Much. What’s in an Application?

Back in ML Design v Boroondara CC [2005] VCAT 2088, Deputy VCAT President Gibson found that an application for a planning permit requires only one item: an application form. In ML Design, we learned that anything else that the Council needs, including ‘mandatory’ items like the application fee, a certificate of title, plans and reports, can be sought through the Request for Further Information (RFI) process established at Section 54 of the Planning and Environment Act.

That’s Not Our Job

The Victorian Planning regime is regularly criticised for its increasing complexity and the inordinate amount of time and cost it takes to acquire a decision in planning matters. The issues of time and cost are unequivocally the greatest hurdles facing planning permit applicant’s.