One Planner's Archive

Discussion Papers & Articles

Victoria's New Residential Zones
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Calculating Council's 60 Day Timeframe
Applying for Costs at VCAT
Amending a Planning Permit

Fire Damage

Does a fire causing significant damage to heritage buildings undermine the ability of the Tribunal to hear an Application for Review lodged prior to the fire?

Councils Fight Back on VCAT Fees

Regular readers and applicants will be aware of Section 115CA of the VCAT Act, introduced in 2014. Section 115CA provides that the VCAT application fee for a permit applicant’s appeal against ‘failure-to-determine’ (within the 60 day statutory timeframe) is required to be reimbursed by Counci

VCAT Daily Hearing Fees

Clause 1 regularly represents clients at VCAT and, since the introduction of Daily Hearing Fees we have been concerned with the potential for significant and unreasonable additional costs to permit applicants. Daily Hearing Fees are payable for each day (or part thereof) the Tribunal sits in hearing a matter. Generally, the fees vary between approximately $350 – $3400 per day, depending on the type of case and type of applicant.

Correcting Mistakes

Occasionally a planning permit is issued with a mistake or clerical error which has an unintended impact on a proposal, particularly where it allows something different to that which was intended to be improved, or where a condition of permit is made unworkable, irrelevant or unclear by that error.

Screening: More or Less Obscure?

As seasoned building designers will be aware, Rescode Standard B22 requires screening of first floor windows and balconies (and some ground floor windows) where they create overlooking opportunities into neighbours’ yards or windows.

Change to access to a Road Zone Category 1

Clause 52.29 of the Planning Scheme, Land Adjacent to a Road Zone, Category 1, or a Public Acquisition Overlay for a Category 1 Road, provides (inter alia) that a planning permit is required to “create or alter access to…a road in a Road Zone Category 1”.