Incorporated Documents now available online
The Victorian Planning Provisions, through Victoria’s planning schemes, include Incorporated Documents
The Victorian Planning Provisions, through Victoria’s planning schemes, include Incorporated Documents
Amendment VC201 aims to improve waterway health, amenity and access while acknowledging the important community and cultural values associated with waterways
A recent VCAT decision has reinforced changes to the Victorian Planning Provisions (VPPs) that reflect the growing need and increased planning-support for aged care facilities.
On 31 July 2018 the Victorian State Government gazetted Planning Scheme Amendment VC148, affecting all of Victoria’s Planning Schemes and introducing significant structural changes. The Amendment is part of the Victorian Government’s Smart Planning program and aims to simplify and modernise planning policy and rules
Both State and Local planning policy can have significant influence on the outcome of a planning permit application, even in circumstances where the relevant planning permit triggers under the zones, overlays or Particular Provisions do not bring such issues to the attention of applicants.
On 5 September 2014 the State government announced reforms to provide greater protection for live music venues in Victoria.
By the time you read this we expect that the State Government (if true to their word) has introduced the proposed new zones to the Victorian Planning Provisions. The zone changes were due to be incorporated into the VPP on July 1 2013.